it's important what people say
We thank the Grand Alliance team and recommend them as a reliable and professional partner. This company is an exemplary provider in the field of intellectual property law and linguistic services, which meets the high standards of the foundation.
Director of the Roscongress Foundation
Александр Анатольевич Стуглев
The development of a modern city is impossible without the exchange of experience and open dialogue with colleagues around the world. The Grand Alliance team provided high-level round tables in Beijing and Shanghai, as well as the provision of linguistic services in a significantly limited time. Separately, we would like to thank the project managers for flawlessly reflected processes, professional assistance in organizing the event, responsiveness and a sincere desire to help.
Deputy Director for Legal Affairs of the Institute of the General Plan of Moscow
Алла Александровна Авилова
Grand Alliance has become our reliable ally in conquering the Chinese media space. With their help, we have translated and adapted dozens of films and TV series into Chinese, both fiction and documentary. This allowed viewers in China to learn more about the history, culture and traditions of our people.
Deputy General Director for Documentary and Journalistic Projects of the REN TV channel
Игорь Станиславович Прокопенко
LLC "J. T. And Russia"
Екатерина Юдчиц
Executive Director of the Big Change Foundation
Ирина Рязанова
Deputy Director of Subaru Motor LLC
Кодама Кейтаро
Channel manager Wilson Learning, EMEA
Melanie Hill
General Director of Odin-Media
Затулкина Г. Н.
Chairman of the Board of the Interregional Public Organization "National Association of Children's Camps"
Кудрявцев О. В.
Producer "FORMAT TV TV Company"
Екатерина Савченко
Director of NVM Agency
Решетова А. В.
Deputy Chairman of the RSM
Селиверстова Т. И.
Head of the Procurement Department of CJSC "SuperOx"
Щукин Александр
General Producer of Mars Media
Дишдишян Р. Л.
General Director of LLC "VLR"
Пасекунов А. Е.
Executive Secretary
Сучков Д. И.
General Director of the Association of Wooden House Construction
Панитков О. И.
Chief Operating Officer of Seventh Continent OJSC
Савонькин С.А.
Executive Director of the Congress
Кудрявцев О. В.
General Director of LLC "CLEAR SKY"
Затулкина О. О.
Grand Alliance 2022. All rights reserved
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Russian-African Business Alliance